There is a book called Napkin notes on the Art of Living Responsibly, by Dr. G. Michael Durst* (I will add a link to where you find the book below) that I read about 15 years ago that really helped reshape how my brain thought, and I still refer back to it on occasion. In this book, there is a story told about a guy seeking the meaning of life. It's a pretty long story but he goes to a world-renowned guru for the answer and the guru tells him to go shovel the crap from his sheep for a year then come back and he will give the answer he seeks. The guy does this faithfully for a full year and then returns to the guru for the answer. The guru's answer is simply "You are. Thats it. Thats the only Truth there is."
Now, there is ALOT more to the story, and the book really dives into the answer the guru gave and why, but I want you to think about something. Every action in your life has a reaction. I'll keep it simple with a few examples. You plant a seed in a pot, and you water it and care for it, and that seed turns into a plant. You keep caring for it, and then you have a very pretty flower. Now, if you had never planted that seed, you wouldn't have the pretty flower. Your action, planting the seed, created a reaction, the flower. Another example, let's say, you need to get money for repairs you didn't plan on for your car, so you go to the bank and get a loan. You get your car fix, and you make the arranged payments on the loan. After about 6 months, for whatever reason, the bank raises your payment on the loan. You can call and get upset with the loan company, but ultimately, the situation is of your own making. Your action of applying for the loan, yes it was needed, but the loan exists because you chose it to.
There is no one else on this big rock that can live your life for you. You are you, and you shape your life whether you have ever considered that or not. Every choice you make right down to the food you put in your body. If that food upsets your stomach, it's not the foods' fault; it's your choice to eat it. Next time, choose not to eat it or not to eat as much.
Your happiness is in your hands. No person or thing can make you happy, but the choices you make can.
*Napkin notes on the Art of Living Responsibly, by Dr. G. Michael Durst
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