I want to spend just a couple minutes to discuss an amazing plant, Yarrow.
This plant can be planted in gardens pretty much anywhere in the United States easily, but it does a pretty good job of just being itself in the wild. This plant can be found walking along the edges of woods and along roadways. It can also be found in many other countries. Yarrow has been found in caskets and tombs of the dead dating back several thousands of years.
The Yarrow plant has many medicinal properties and the most useful of those is its ability to clot blood. When you remove the leaves and smash them to release their oils and apply it to a cut or wound it will coagulate the blood and stop the bleeding. Yarrow leaf extracts exhibited anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, both of which aid wound healing and can help regenerate cells and fight off infections. Yarrow is one of the main ingredients in my Heal Me first aid cream.