One of the most tedious tasks I think we have to undertake is cleaning the shower and bathtub. Unless you use harsh chemicals and have a detachable shower head, it is almost impossible to clean your shower or tub without getting wet and breaking your back to reach around to clean. I'm going to give you a way to clean it that is way outside the box and can make your busy life a bit simpler.
First off, I like to clean all the rest of my bathroom first before the shower. I start by using my essential oil spray (Thieves, Young Living) and spray everything down with it, including my shower and toilet. Once my sink, mirrors, and toilet are clean, I go ahead and sweep and mop the floors. While my floors are drying, I go get everything ready to take a shower. Yes, I said I was going to take a shower. See the key to when I choose to clean my bathroom it revolves around my personal hygiene time.
When the floor is dry, I start my shower and get in. The first thing I do is grab an old foot brush that I got from a Dollar Tree a while back that I never used. (It's the kind that has a file and pumice stone on one end and a brush on the other). I use the brush to scrub around the shower head to remove any build-up. After that, I use the brush to also clean around the drain and the bottom of the shower curtain. Once that is done, I take a fresh cleaning rag I laid on the side of the tub and start at the top of each side of the shower and wipe everything down and using the running shower to rinse the rag as I go along. I wipe down all the bottles in the shower and then wipe down the interior of the tub. Then that's it, you're done, and all that's left is to clean you.
Now I know this does not appeal to some because you are worried about the chemicals. I don't worry about any of that now that I am using must more natural and safe products in my home. But before I was using those things, I was using the lime away and scrubbing bubbles and when I would be getting all those chemicals all over me while I was trying to clean, I chose to cut to the chase and just get naked and clean anyway. I looked at it this way: At least if I am getting chemicals on me, I will be in the best place to get it off me, a running a shower.
None of use love to clean a bathroom because it can get nasty especially if you have a lot of kids or men in your house, but at least if you are doing it this way you will be nice and clean yourself when you're done. The whole process only takes like 2 minutes versus the 10 minutes or so it would take with your clothes on.

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