Did you know that the pesky dandelion "weed" is actually beneficial to your yard. It's that time of the year when those that love a lush green lawn cringe when they get up in the morning and their yard looks like a sea of yellow. I honestly believe that dandelions are the sole reason for high sales of weed killer because with no interference from us lame humans' dandelions will propagate and grow just about anywhere and grow quickly.
These beautiful yellow flowering plants actually have a place in your yard. There roots grow real deep in the ground and the finger roots can spread several feet just a bit under the surface. Their root systems help to keep your soil aerated because of the way they push through the ground and aerated ground promotes a deeper seeding of your grass and a healthy plant system throughout even for your trees. Along with that ability their roots bring nourishment from deep down to the surface for your grass and other plant life to feed on.
Now if you are a lush lawn person you can still have that manicured lawn and dandelions together. They can definitely coexist. Simply go out every couple of days and pick off the flower heads that are dying and before they turn to the white seed heads. This will allow the root system to do its thing and prevent and over run of the flower.
I would also like to share that the entire dandelion plant is edible. They are full of iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium. They also contain soluble fiber they help with your digestive system. Dandelions are rich in antioxidants as well. You can have the leaves to your salads, the roots in a tea and the flowers can be made into a nice jelly.
For those that are still kids at heart never let the urge pass you buy to pick a white seeded dandelion flower and blow it to make a wish.